… drop in or Sign Up Ahead Which Will Save You Time At The Desk! …

…  We’re Back!!  SUMMER Play Resumes through 8/28/24.  …   

…  2 Nights Per Week! Wednesdays AND Fridays.  6:00pm-9:00pm 

BUT WAIT,,, THERE’S MORE!!!  A bonus chance to play some more Badminton this Summer!!

Napa High School Coach Chelsea is sponsoring Open Gym Drop-In Badminton at the Napa High School Main Gym: 2 days per week: Wednesday and Saturday 5:00pm to 9:00pm. $5 per session (Cash Only). 

     *** Napa High: Cash Only ***. Through July 27th. 2475 Jefferson St, Napa, CA 94558 Yay! THANK YOU COACH CHELSEA!!

OK, HERE IT COMES!!  Paris Summer Olympics 7/26-8/11;  Badminton: 7/27-8/5




Catalog – City of Napa Parks & Recreation Department (rec1.com)

4300 Linda Vista Ave, Napa CA 94558

Map: Las Flores: www.goo.gl/maps/jVcm7fJiYJS2

Always check below for blackout dates.  The NapaRec web page isn’t always updated as often.

SOME CLOSED DATES COMING UP: No Play Friday 7/5/24; Summer Session Ends 8/28/2024; then Fall 2024 begins: ?? TBD: 

    *** Great Exercise, Easy to Learn, Fun to Play!  Singles & Doubles. ***

Adults 18 and older: Friday AND Wednesday Nights: Las Flores Community Center, 6:00-9:00pm. (Youth 12 and older CAN still play in the evenings with Adults,, but ONLY if a parent or guardian IS PRESENT).  
NO SUNDAYS YET…  Sunday Afternoons: Las Flores Community Center, 3:30-6:00pm.  …   ...   …  … 
ALL sessions are $7/walk-in single use, &/or $63/20 use pack !!!  Great Deal!!!  yay! thank you Napa Parks & Rec!

a calendar used to be right up there! /\ 

4300 Linda Vista Ave, Napa CA 94 558

Map: Las Flores: www.goo.gl/maps/jVcm7fJiYJS2

Las Flores has: Tennis Courts, BBQ pit, Kitchen,,,, = summer party = fall party = winter party maybe?? …

Some Future Scheduling Changes:

… …


Brought to you by:

City of Napa Parks & Recreation Department and Jenny!

WEDNESDAYS 4:30-7:00pm $3.00 drop-in, No Prior Sign-Up Needed!

WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS 6:00-9:00pm  No Prior Sign-Up Needed! 

NO SUNDAYS YET: SUNDAYS 3:30-6:00pm  drop-in, No Prior Sign-Up Needed!!

We have extra racquets and birdies available if you need them.

Come join us!

 For more information contact Rick at NapaBad@Outlook.com

Napa, California 94581 94559 94558 USA